Vitaly Dutch-flavoured: Maastro Patient portal (The Netherlands)
Until recently, all patient information was stored in the Maastro hospital system. Patients couldn't access their health information online.
UMC Utrecht: Regional Virtual Tumor Board (The Netherlands)
UMC Utrecht approached us to improve the way they collaborate and facilitate the existing MDOs to spread it over the entire Utrecht region.
Maastro: Proton Therapy Referral Management (The Netherlands)
Using the Vitaly solution for MDT Meetings, Maastro will be enabled to receive referrals from other hospitals in the Netherlands.
WelLPRES Cancer Recovery Programme (United Kingdom)
The NHS is fragmented regionally, therefore no standardised services are provided nor are they using the same approach. Different regions are using different information systems.
Health tourism in Unterengadin region (Switzerland)
The health care center »Gesundheitzentrum« has as a project business objective to provide a health-tourism platform for the whole region.
Co-founded projects
Fluidsense: a wearable medical device for fluid management of patients
The objective of FLUIDSENSE project is to develop a wearable medical device that can obtain the continuous fluid level of patients.
AOK Nordost: Gesundheitsnetzwerk (Germany)
IT integration and the understanding of “logistic chains” in healthcare have bypassed the healthcare sector at the expense of the patients.
LPRES: Creating a single, integrated care record view accessible across all care settings (UK)
The aim is to provide a centralised technology platform to facilitate the exchange of information about 1.8 million citizens.
Co-founded projects
Pharmacies, points of digital health – PPDH
The new PHR platform will enable pharmacies, general practitioners and nursery homes to provide POCT services for their patients.