Use of Cookies

Cookies are small text files sent by the website and stored in the web browser (device) to access a site. They are used to enable a better user experience. With cookies, a website “remembers” the time of your visit (session cookies) and your return to the site (persistent cookies). When the device returns to a website, the data stored in a cookie can be returned to our webpage. Cookies can be set by websites you visited (first party cookies) and by other websites/services which display the content of a webpage you visit (third party cookies) – e.g. Youtube, Facebook.


Essential cookies:

Some cookies are essential for the operation of a website. Such cookies enable the user to use a website without any disturbances. Without them, the website would not work properly.

– Session cookie _JSESSIONID:  Created when the user opens a website, it enables the device to remember the user’s activity while browsing the website. The cookie is deleted when the user closes the browser.

– en.parsek.web.cookies:  Used to store the user’s permission to use cookies for Google analysis. The cookie expires after 1 year.


Performance cookies:

Google Analytics cookies are used to improve user experience. They help us understand how our users use the website and decide on the functional and material adjustments in order to show as much useful content as possible.


Google analytics:

– _ga:  Used to store the unique site visitor ID. It’s used to differentiate users and track statistical data.